To be eligible for a skip-a-payment the loan must be current or within the grace period. One skip per calendar year. A $20 fee must be in savings or checking to process the request. What isn't eligible for the skip-a-payment program? Credit cards, First mortgages, Home equity lines of credit and/or Home equity loans are not eligible.
Existing Member with Online Banking?
Use your Online Banking credentials to complete the application process.
Once you login, click on Transfers & Payments; Skip-a-Payment. Any eligible loans will show in the drop down.
*The online application to request a skip-a-payment is only available through the primary loan members login.
Existing Members without Online Banking?
Click the link below to complete the online form via DocuSign.
Need a printable form? Download here.
Apply Here
Want to sign up for online banking?
You will be directed to our online banking login site. Once there, click, "Don't have an account? Enroll" and follow the prompts. If you have questions please contact us at 859.259.3466 or 800.359.3466.