Volunteer Opportunities

Members Heritage is a member-owned, cooperative.  When you become a member you become part of the MH family, a true partner of our ever-growing organization.  With 50,000+ members and over $500 million in assets, we rely on your help to shape the future of the credit union through volunteer opportunities. 

Volunteers represent the best interests of the Credit union through financially-sound decision-making, guide strategy and policy decisions.  Volunteers will encounter many opportunities to learn, develop leadership skills and business acumen, and build a network of members and credit union professionals.

Volunteer Qualifications

Our volunteers at Members Heritage are essential to our team.  Therefore, we require applicants to have the following qualifications:

  • Member in good standing with MHCU
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Must be bondable and provide authorization for a background check
  • Must not serve on the board of another financial institution or hold a position with an organization that would be deemed as a conflict of interest
  • Must not be a former employee of MHCU, not a relative or family member of or in a significant relationship with a MHCU employee, Director or Supervisory Committee member (Board & Supervisory Committee Members Only)

You must be able to meet the following time/effort commitments:

  • Attend regular meetings
  • Devote 2 hours in preparation and meeting attendance time (as meetings are held)
  • Attend occasional special meetings as needed
  • Participate in development & training by way of training conferences, webinars, local meetings, etc.
  • Must be able to work as a team member
  • Possess understanding of financial statements and accounting practices (Supervisory)
  • Understanding of and interest in meeting the needs of our membership

Facilities, Education, Asset Liability Management & Delinquency Control Committee

The members of this committee are appointed by the Board of Directors. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Attend regular meetings
  • Attend occasional special meetings as needed

Supervisory Committee

The members of this committee are appointed by the Board of Directors. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Attend regular meetings
  • Monitor financial controls and procedures
  • Verify the credit union records
  • Work with internal and external audit firms

Board of Directors

MHCU members elect board members for 3-year terms of office on an annual basis.

Responsibilities include:

  • Develop policy
  • Oversee financial security
  • Participate in strategic planning 
  • Set future strategy
  • Represent interests of entire membership
  • Review CEO goals and objectives
  • Attend monthly board meetings
  • Serve on committees and task forces
  • Report to members at the annual meeting

Interested in becoming a Volunteer?  Complete & Submit the Volunteer Application Below!

Volunteer Application