Our Current Rates

Savings Accounts
Effective Date: 3/20/2025
The fourth quarter dividend period paid a dividend rate of 0.35% and an APY of 0.35%.
TypeDividend RateAPY*
Regular Shares
($5.00 minimum balance)
0.35% 0.35%
Christmas Club (balance $0.01 - $2500) Regular Share Rate plus 1%  
Christmas Club (balance $2500.01 & greater) 0.35% 0.35%
Health Savings Account (HSA)** 0.35% 0.35%
**No minimum balance required. Dividends computed on the average daily balance and paid monthly.

Money Market Accounts
Effective Date: 3/20/2025
BalanceDividend RateAPY*
$2500 - $9,999.99 1.79% 1.80%
$10,000 - $24,999.99 1.93% 1.95%
$25,000 - $49,999.99 2.08% 2.10%
$50,000- $99,999.99 2.23% 2.25%
$100,000 or greater 2.47% 2.50%

IRA Accounts
Effective Date: 3/20/2025
TermMinimum DepositDividend RateAPY*
Flexible Traditional, Roth & Coverdell Ed. Savings Account (Variable interest rate, may change monthly)
N/A N/A 0.50% 0.50%
Traditional & Roth IRA Savings Certificate Accounts (Fixed Interest & Maturity Date)
12 months $1,000.00 3.93% 4.00%
24 months $1,000.00 3.06% 3.10%
36 months $1,000.00 3.30% 3.35%
48 months $1,000.00 3.45% 3.50%
60 months $1,000.00 3.69% 3.75%
Coverdell Educational IRA Savings Certificate Account (Fixed Interest & Maturity Date)
12 months $500.00 3.93% 4.00%
24 months $500.00 3.06% 3.10%
36 months $500.00 3.30% 3.35%
48 months $500.00 3.45% 3.50%
60 months $500.00 3.69% 3.75%

Term Share Certificates
Effective Date: 3/20/2025
$500 Minimum balance
TermDividend RateAPY*
91 Days 1.39% 1.40%
182 Days 4.02% 4.10%
1 Year 3.93% 4.00%
2 Years 3.06% 3.10%
3 Years 3.30% 3.35%
4 Years 3.45% 3.50%
5 Years 3.69% 3.75%
Teen Term Share Certificate ($250 minimum) 3.93% 4.00%

Jumbo Share Certificates
Effective Date: 3/20/2025
Minimum deposit of $100,000.00. Dividends calculated daily and paid monthly. Fixed interest rate and maturity date.
TermDividend RateAPY*
1 Year 4.31% 4.40%
2 Years 3.15% 3.20%
3 Years 3.40% 3.45%
4 Years 3.54% 3.60%
5 Years 3.78% 3.85%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

**All rates subject to change.

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